Public Health

Context: Although I do not have a public health background, I live in this community and recognize that in times like this, we have to look out for our county’s most valuable resource, it’s people.

That means many things from addressing gun violence to supporting our social services. We have a lot of work to do, to get where we want to be. I’m confident we will get there someday, but in the interim, we need to ensure people get the help they need right now.

What happend with Family Planning Services was a catastrophic failure of local government, and we need to work to make sure it never happens again.

The Issue: 

We’re in the midst of a lead epidemic. Onondaga County provides a range of services through the Department of Social Services: food stamps (SNAP), utility assistance (HEAP), and Medicaid. We should fund these programs. They provide a safety net for our neighbors who need it. We must both sure up the safety net, while also finding ways to support even more residents who interact with county government.


We need work with community organizations that provide for our neighbors. I’d like to partner with community organizations who provide everything from mental to maternal healthcare. Their expertise in these fields is an asset, and we need to support them so that they can continue to support our community.

We have to treat community violence like the emergency that it is. We need to invest more into prevention, while also rethinking what those responses should look like on a local level. We are asking law enforcement to do too much and it’s costing lives. Groups like Liberty Resources can offer Community-oriented solutions that involve conflict resolution professionals and other members of the community will allow us to connect residents in need to mental health, job training, and other important resources to save lives and promote public safety for our community.